Tuesday, October 22nd, 2024

LIVE Author Webinar

webinarWant to continue learning without leaving your home or office?

Do you have questions about how to implement a change-centric point of view into your sales strategy? Wondering how you can become an effective change leader?

Change creates opportunities and enables you to thrive—not just survive—in today’s competitive sales environment. In a 40-minute live webinar, Brett Clay will share insight on how to become an agent of change and will answer questions from attendees.


Join Brett Clay, author of Selling Change and the founder and CEO of Change Leadership Group, for a live webinar in which he’ll address pressing issues in today’s challenging sales environment. If you own a copy of Selling Change, your attendance is free.

Brett Clay, the author of Selling Change, will share his fresh perspective and inspire you to become an agent of change, helping you to reach your professional and personal goals.

Brett will address the key challenges facing salespeople and businesses, discuss current trends and provide enlightening ideas for growing your sales and business. You’ll learn what change-centric selling is and why it’s essential for survival, particularly in an era where salespeople are in danger of becoming irrelevant. You’ll also gain tactics for creating value and learn what critical mistakes to avoid. Joining a Live Author Webinar is the optimal way to supplement what you’ve gained from reading Selling Change and further internalize and put into practice the revolutionary concepts presented in the book.

Topics Covered

  • The nature of today’s sales environment and the challenges facing salespeople and businesses
  • The power of change
  • The ChangeCentric Selling® methodology
  • How to stay relevant (and vital to customer’s organizations) by helping customers achieve their goals rather than simply solving their problems

Key Takeaways

By tuning in to a Live Author Webinar with Brett Clay, you will. . .

  • Have your specific questions answered
  • Understand how the principles presented in Selling Change pertain to your specific situation
  • Gain further understanding of the concepts presented in the book
  • Understand the psychology of change and how to leverage it to deliver more value to customers


  • Be inspired and motivated
  • Learn how to effectively apply the concepts of change leadership to grow your business and create successful outcomes

Who Should Attend

Webinars with Brett Clay will benefit salespeople, executives and readers of Selling Change. Webinar attendance is free for those who own a copy of Selling Change.


  • 40-minute Webinar


Register to attend this Live Author Webinar. [EVENTR REGISTRATION 1]

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