Friday, March 14th, 2025

In today’s Wall Street Journal, Lee Bollinger, the President of Columbia University, and author of a new book, “Uninhibited, Robust, Wide-Open: A Free Press for a New Century,” wrote an op-ed article calling for a new media-industry business model that relies on government funding. Mr. Bollinger says, “The proliferation of communications outlets has fractured […]

Jeffrey Hayzlett, celebrity judge on Donald Trump’s Celebrity Apprentice TV show, and author of the best-selling book, The Mirror Test, recently appeared on The Actuation Zone radio show, hosted by Brett Clay, author of the award-winning book, Selling Change. In the interview, Hayzlett asks the tough business questions and suggests the changes that executives and […]

Brett Clay, author of the award-winning book Selling Change, recently attended Book Expo America 2010 in New York City, where he observed the waves of change pouring through the publishing industry. “Goodbye Gutenberg. Hello Tim Berners-Lee and Jeff Bezos. The book publishing industry, as we used to know it, will soon die. It will be […]

Change Creates Opportunity Today, I was on Larry Whitler’s radio show on WOCA-AM in Ocala, Florida. Larry was talking about all of the change that has happened, and continues to happen, in the radio industry. He said many years ago music was on AM. Then, FM came along and took away music, threatening the survival […]

This morning I was on a radio show and the host asked me, “What do you mean by change?” She said, “Everyone talks about change these days. Are you saying the world is changing? Are you saying I have to change as a salesperson? Are you saying my customers have to change?” The answers are […]

New Year’s Resolution—Be a Change Agent! My resolution for this year—for this decade—is to be a change agent. To to this, I will review the six attitudes of a change leader, everyday, and take one action that day to improve my change temperament The Six Attitudes of a Change Leader:

In the introduction to Selling Change, I cite the trend away from vertical integration as one of the forces changing the business landscape. I also coined the term “The Great Reboot of 2009” to refer to the trend of companies overhauling their businesses, setting them on entirely new courses. Reading recent business headlines, it is […]

I recently ran across a couple of comments about “secrets” of success. One is from Mark Sanborn’s blog (best selling author of The Fred Factor). Another is from Jeffrey Gitomer’s Little Red Book of Selling. By the way, if you are one of the few people that don’t own both of these books, I highly […]

December 1, 2009 Selling Change: 101+ Secrets for Growing Sales by Leading Change Brett Clay Ariva Publishing (2010) ISBN: 9780982295236 Brett Clay’s “Selling Change” explains why it is imperative that in the twenty-first century, salespeople must be agents of change. The reason? Because four major forces are changing the current business world. Without giving away […]